
Copresentation with Cinema Politica
Thursday, August 12 2021 - 6:30 pm
Australia - New Zealand
without dialogue OV
Documentary / 9 minutes
Victoria Hunt


Scriptwriter : Victoria Hunt, Margot Nash
Image : Boris Bagattini, Sam James, Martin Fox
Sound recording : James Brown
Editing : Margot Nash
Original Music : James Brown, Wade Marynowski


Blending haunting contemporary dance and the archival history of Hinemihi, a sacred Maori meeting house, director and dancer Victoria Hunt tells the story of the carved ancestral house, which was acquired by the Governor General of New Zealand and removed to England 130 years ago. Hunt pleads creatively for the Hinemihi’s rematriation to Aotearoa.


Producer(s) :

Margot Nash

Production house or group : As If Productions


Company or organization :

As If Productions