Garry Sanipass


7 August to 8 August

Saturday, August 7 2021 - 6:00 pm
Place des Festivals

Sunday, August 8 2021 - 6:00 pm
Place des Festivals

Many 15 minutes screening at Québecor Scene between 6PM to 8PM.

Garry Sanipass is an indigenous artist from the Bouctouche reserve . Born November 1970 in New Brunswick, Canada.

Attended French Elementary School in a small acadian village known as Bouctouche, New Brunswick.

French was his second language and could not speak very well therefore he learned to not speak at all.

This need to communicate may have propelled his artistic interests.  While in French school he often daydreamed about

Being a famous artist like his idols, Leonardo Da Vinci.  So, he spent a lot of his time looking at and copying from Renaissance Masters.

At the age of 19, Garry Stumbled upon a book called “Andrew Wyeth: The Helga Pictures” and was inspired by the realism of art and

Egg Tempera.  Information on how to prepare egg tempera was sporadic and difficult to find during the 80’s it wasn’t until 

The 90’s when the internet had more available information on how to prepare and use Egg Tempera and True Gesso that Garry Sanipass

began experimenting with the medium.  

His first solo art show was held at la galerie d’art Marie Hélène Allain, the show was titled: Masks.  He then was

Chosen to write an article by Created Here Magazine in Fredericton New Brunswick where the magazine

Created a virtual exhibit:

He then had group shows at: Galerie du T’chai, Richibucto in 2021.  He was invited to create a performance art video for FAVA in Caraquet.  He is presently living on the Bouctouche Reserve, New Brunswick. His website is:

Artistic approach:  It takes weeks to complete a painting, and most of the time it’s in the dark with very little light.  While in solitude, Garry tends to journey within and seeks to find shadows to help him communicate with the outside world.  Egg Tempera requires many many layers, Garry’s work is also symbolically multi layered as there are secret codes and puzzles to solve.