¿Qué les pasó a las abejas?

Qu'est-il arrivé aux abeilles?
Monday, August 9 2021 - 8:30 pm
Projets Éphémères de l’UdeM, Campus MIL
Spanish, Mayan OV
/ French ST
Documentary / 67 minutes
Adriana Otero, Robin Canul


Cast : Leydy Pech (Prix Goldman 2020), Gustavo Huchin, Fabián Tomasi (RIP), Patricio Eleisegui
Scriptwriter : Adriana Otero
Image : Maricarmen Sordo
Sound recording : Alberto Palomo
Editing : Jairo Mukul
Original Music : Alberto Palomo
Find the CAMPUS MIL site with these MAPS


The Mayan communities of Campeche are mobilizing against the ecocidal practices of the multinational Monsanto. With the introduction of GM soy cultivation, bees are dying by the millions, and traditional beekeeping in indigenous communities is severely affected. A model of sustainable development rooted in the Mayan tradition opposes frenetic efforts to maximize profit.


Producer(s) :

Adriana Otero

Production house or group : Abejas Cine


Company or organization :

Abejas Cine

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